I took the above picture when we were in Cape May, NJ. for Lizzie's boot camp graduation.
October 2007

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Say what?

Yesterday I was reading an article which stated that mothers generally have a favorite child, and just don't want to admit it. Huh? For real? That's really appalling to me. And the article implies that we SHOULD admit that we prefer one child over another! Sure, kids go through phases where they are easier to get along with than at other times, but to secretly favor one child over another really makes me angry. For parents who grow up fostering a closer relationship with one child over another, and rationalize to themselves that it's the child's "fault" or "choice" (she doesn't need me as much as her sister or he is just fine on his own), shame on them. Not only is that thinly veiled delusion, but what it does to the unfavored child is irreparable. As human beings we ALL seek a close bond with our parents. Imagine seeing someone you are seeking love and acceptance from give their time and attention primarily to someone else. It's going to have an effect all right. I guess we can decide that it's the best we can do but that is a complete cop out in my opinion. I don't hope to do better, I will do better. I have never loved one of my children more than the other. Do I cherish different qualities in them? Absolutely! But I will always give of myself equally to both of my kids. Not because it's fair, but because I couldn't imagine it any other way.

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