I took the above picture when we were in Cape May, NJ. for Lizzie's boot camp graduation.
October 2007

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Proud Mamma

I am so proud of my kids. They rock. I'm getting into the swing of volunteering at EB and MB's classes each week. I get to see them regularly in class and interact with them on a different level. They really dig school. They are doing really well, participate a lot, and are having a great time. We had PTK conferences this week. Here kids are req'd to come to their PT conferences and are encouraged to participate, ask ?s, discuss goals and how they feel they are doing, etc. I love how interactive the school is with parents and kids. The kids are req'd to set goals and are active participants in evaluating their progress. Far stretch from the OLHC curriculum set for us back in the dizzle.
But beyond how much I like the school and staff, I am just so happy my kids are digging school. They always did, but with the move I didn't know what to expect. Not only from the school, but from them. They are handling the transition beautifully and I am really proud of them!

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