I took the above picture when we were in Cape May, NJ. for Lizzie's boot camp graduation.
October 2007

Friday, October 30, 2009

Long Time No See :)

I have not blogged in forever! Someone was just asking me about it and I confessed that the reason is that Facebook has pretty much taken up my online social time. It's been fun to reconnect with friends and see their photos and what they are all up to!

So what's new here...we're on snowday #3 due to our October snowfall. We were blessed with about 2 feet of powder here in Parker and are getting ready for our first trip to ride our skis! The kids had a boring fall break, as I came down with the flu :( But I'm on the mend and grateful for it.

In other news, the kids are back at swimming. This is MBJ's first time on a swim team. He is really liking it so far. Life is busy with my being back in school and juggling the house and kiddos schedule. But it's a good kind of hectic, my favorite!

I'll try to post more often, though most of the people who would even read this are probably on FB and know what's going on already :)