I took the above picture when we were in Cape May, NJ. for Lizzie's boot camp graduation.
October 2007

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

We're Home!!

On Sunday we vowed to take it a bit easier on the slopes, just have fun with it, take more breaks, and enjoy the day. Well... that was difficult. It was snowing and blowing in the morning and driving in the mountains isn't exactly easy in those conditions. We made it to A-basin eventually and got to it. I very quickly learned that A-basin is not an ideal place to ski when you are new to skiing out west. It is steep. Very steep. It's a really cool resort, it's essentially uncommercialized with ungroomed terrain and much of what you ski is right off the face of the mountain, a bit different than old PNS I'll say! The folks I talked to said that mainly only locals come there, you know... for an extra challenge when the likes of the big easy resorts become ho-hum ;)

So we skied, I survived some runs that were over my head, and we did have a good day there. When it was time to leave it was still snowing and blowing and ended up being white out conditions at some points. So driving on the edge of a mountain with no visibility was a bit terrifying. But the worst that happened was we got rear-ended. Again. 3rd time in 6 months. No, I'm not bitter : But hey, we didn't drive off the edge, right? And guess what kind of car hit us? Yes, an Outback wagon.

After trying to get to an area with cell service, waiting for a cop, dealing with traffic, and sitting in the car for about 4 hours, we were able to collapse at the hotel, grateful to have that day behind us. Monday we got back to Ohio mid-day and were so happy to snuggle the kids, who had a great weekend with Aunt Lishy!

We were presented with cards and stories about all of the fun things they did and we are very glad to be home. We are really grateful to Lish for coming and taking care of the kids and pets for us, she went way out of her way for us and we appreciate it so much!! As soon as we get the Sunday pics off of the camera I'll put some more up.

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