I took the above picture when we were in Cape May, NJ. for Lizzie's boot camp graduation.
October 2007

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Kids say the darndest things

My kids have said a lot of really cute things in their lifetimes. I hate when they grow out of it and start pronouncing it the correct way.

Last week when MBJ was sick and had a fever he said that he could feel his heart "beeping" really fast, he still says beeping, as opposed to beating, and it is one of the sweetest. most endearing things ever. When I was sick he came over to give me lots of hugs and to tell me if he could hear my heart beeping too fast :)

Today in the car Emma was explaining why she didn't want to try out for the role of Cruella DeVille in their upcoming performance of 101 Dalmations... she said it would be bad enough being the villain and that "the kids would keep insulting me in song!" We also noted last week that she still says sumbarine in reference to submarines :)

And a big kudos to our big girl brainiac. She was put into an advanced math class at school. She really is great at math and enjoys the challenge of it. I'm so glad she is in a school that recognizes children who need further challenge along with children who need help catching up. Go Lakota!!

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