I took the above picture when we were in Cape May, NJ. for Lizzie's boot camp graduation.
October 2007

Friday, February 1, 2008

Comings and Goings

Well January came and went in a blur...things are busy as always and it's been another full month. Marty spent a week in North Carolina for his new contract and I was lucky to have Lish come and stay with us for a couple of days (thanks for sharing my sister, Aaron!!). We had some good QT and a bit of chaos as we worked on repainting almost our entire first floor. When I get the urge to paint, watch out...if you stop by I will likely stick a brush/roller in your hand :)

Another fun surprise was a visit from Lizzie! She flew up from windy Mobile for a long weekend to pick up her new car. We sold our Scion to her! Since M has been working from home, we really haven't needed 2 cars and aside from saving on the monthly payment, it's good to simplify. So, after a few days of scrabble (Lish dominated pretty strongly), hugs, and fun, Lish drove with Liz back to Mobile and spent a little time with her there before flying back up here, then driving home. What a week for Lishy!!

After the fun both MB and myself had to face the oral surgeon to have wisdom teeth pulled. M's procedure was much more involved than mine and he is finally on the mend. My last wisdom tooth was pulled yesterday and it was a walk in the park compared to his ordeal. The kids both had a virus of some sort this past week and missed some school. They are feeling better now and are off to C-Bus for a visit with Grandma and Grandpa Duck!!

Emma started Karate again...this time at the dojo. She enjoyed the after school program but it wasn't as complete as the classes at the dojo. She is learning the style of Karate-do, which originated in Okinawa. She thinks that is pretty cool since that is where M and I met.

No kids for the weekend...my plan is to eat ice cream and go see Juno. Aside from that I've got nada. Painting is done, I rented a steam cleaner and did all of the carpets in the house this week. I've earned a day of rest.

Welcome February!!

1 comment:

elizabeth-carrie said...

Sounds like you had a lovely time with your sisters :)