I took the above picture when we were in Cape May, NJ. for Lizzie's boot camp graduation.
October 2007

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Early AM Annoyances

So our school system has derived new ways to assure that we all know what is going on at all times. When school is going to be delayed or closed due to weather (or something else if that should be the case), we recieve a phone call and an email, as soon as that decision has been made. It often happens that the first decision is that school will be delayed by an hour, or two, and if it appears the snow won't let up, they will change it to a closing. Well for each decision (some of which are made at 4am), we recieve a phone call. Nothing like the phone ringing 2 or 3 times before the sun rises to hear a recording from the superintendent. It must stink to have his job. It's bad enough to listen to one of those recordings, let alone having to make it at 4am. Eww.

But we have had another snow day. MBJ hasn't been to school in over a week btw. snow days and a long weekend. His teacher called today to tell me that whenever we get back to school, we'll have our Valentine party. At this rate it may be March!!

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