I took the above picture when we were in Cape May, NJ. for Lizzie's boot camp graduation.
October 2007

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Back to school!!

Last week the kids went back to school. LM started his adventures in Kindergarden. He was really eager for school and had a great start. He really likes BigK and his teacher and is making new friends. Yay!! EB is really liking grade 4 too. Her teacher is terrific (as well as LM's) and they are learning so many new things here. Geography has suddenly become super interesting. Here they learn Spanish from K, so they are both really excited about that. I am so happy that we have landed ourselves in a school that is academically challenging and a really fun place to be. And one of the best things about our walk to/from school is the time we get to chat about school and whatnot in general without any distractions...of course except the view of the Rockies from our neighborhood :D

1 comment:

elizabeth-carrie said...

So awesome! They look so cute...