I took the above picture when we were in Cape May, NJ. for Lizzie's boot camp graduation.
October 2007

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Labor day weekend

We had a nice labor day weekend...some friends invited us to go out on their boat with them Saturday and we did. The kids had a blast riding on the boat, it's been a long time since we have been out on one. Emma did lots of tubing with her friend Chloe. She loved it! MBJ was not up for tubing yet, but content to ride up front with Chloe's little sisters. M and I attempted to water ski. We ALMOST got it but I pulled a muscle and couldn't do it anymore that day...I am old! M stuck with tubing after that :)

We also went to see Journey to the Center of the Earth, which was a fun movie. And beyond that we chillaxed.

Our basement remodel is almost complete...the flooring is finished, except the transitions. Painting and lighting done, woodwork almost finished. Now if the rest of my curtains would arrive I would be thrilled. I've had the darndest time figuring out what I want for window treatments.

I'm rambling about window treatments...time to be all done :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You should send some pics of the basement when it's all done!! :)
Miss you!