I took the above picture when we were in Cape May, NJ. for Lizzie's boot camp graduation.
October 2007

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Shhhh Sleepy

So we are still not done with the bathroom, but we are getting there. We have to grout the tub surround, then seal all of the grout, get the new toitie fully installed, and finish painting. I am sore and ready to be all done. But I know when we finish, I will move to the next room. I am a glutton for punishment, but it really needs to be finished.

I saw Mrs. Cohen, my HS History teacher, on facebook. She asked me if I ever turned out to be a medical illustrator. Art and Science were my fave subjects and where I excelled (not history Mrs. Cohen :) I couldn't believe she remembered that. I told BM that since I put down the sketchbook and paintbrush all these years, I was expressing my artistic side in our homes. Much to his dismay. He is a patient, kind husband. Props to you baby.

So soon I will post pictures of our newly tiled/painted bathroom. Happy almost end of January.

1 comment:

elizabeth-carrie said...

You should pick up a canvas or two and some acrylic paint and brushes and go for it. It's super fun and such a great outlet. I've done that before and you never know, if you like it a lot you can frame it and throw it on your wall :)