I took the above picture when we were in Cape May, NJ. for Lizzie's boot camp graduation.
October 2007

Friday, February 6, 2009

Bathroom Before...

Okay, this is how we have been spending our free time over the last month! Here is what our bathroom looked like BEFORE our makeover. Here you can see our funky carpet that went throughout the bath, it was as old as the house and I was not going to continue living with someone else's mildewy bathroom carpeting. Ew.

And below is our garden tub, which was fine, aside from the 80's plastic crystal knobs, and the cracking tile surrouding the tub. That is not really visible in the pics, but trust me, the crumbling grout and cracked tiles are there.

Toitie room with carpet. Yes, carpet. We won't discuss the stains we had to seal on the subfloor surrounding the toitie.

And finally the shower. Also complete with crack, crumbling grout, and mildewy yuck that was many moons old. The carpet surrounding the shower pan was heeeeeeeeeeeinous.

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